Anstey Horne

Daylight and Sunlight Assessment Manchester

Daylight & Sunlight Assessment Manchester

We have the most experienced team of specialist surveyors providing Daylight & Sunlight assessment and advice in Manchester and around the UK.

With this unrivalled expertise, our Manchester Daylight & Sunlight surveyors provide Daylight and Sunlight assessments, reports for planning, and advice to developers, affected neighbours and local authorities.

Our Daylight and Sunlight surveyors in Manchester are based in offices in the heart of the city. Just around the corner from Manchester Piccadilly, in the middle of the Northern Quarter our surveyors provide advice in the city and across the North West.

The Daylight & Sunlight assessment of a proposed building in Manchester is key to delivering high quality developments in increasingly dense urban areas throughout the UK.

Carefully considered design can help mitigate the impact on surrounding areas, whilst also maximizing the development potential of a site and the delivery of good quality amenity for future occupiers.

With one of the most experienced teams in the UK, we provide daylight and sunlight assessments to the developing party, potentially affected neighbours and local planning authorities that are reviewing such matters.

Daylight & Sunlight Surveyor Manchester

Daylight & Sunlight Assessment Manchester

The Manchester planning authorities will typically require a formal Daylight & Sunlight assessment and report to support a planning application. This will set out the impact to existing neighbours, as well as the quality of light within the proposed dwelling.

Our specialist Daylight and Sunlight assessments help translate planning requirements into pragmatic design advice. Our 3D model of many UK cities, including Manchester, London & Birmingham helps us to rapidly undertake analysis and calculate the existing context values in the local area for instance. This allows us to adopt alternative target values from those recommended by the BRE, maximising the development potential of a site.

We provide reports with reference to the guidelines published by the BRE, as well as the latest British Standard for Daylighting EN17037.

Daylight & Sunlight Assessment Manchester

Detailed Daylight & Sunlight Assessments

Masterplanning & Site Optimisation

Maximum Development Envelopes & Optimisation

Façade Analysis & Optimisation

Internal Daylight & Sunlight Assessment

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Transient Overshadowing

Hours in Sun for Amenity Space

Climate Based Assessment

Tree Impact Assessments

Radiance Studies

Solar Glare

Solar Panel Assessments

Light Pollution

Expert Witness

Technical adviser to Local Planning Authorities

New British Standard EN17037 View Out Assessment


For Daylight & Sunlight advice direct from one of our Manchester surveyors, please call our Enquiry line in 0161 528 7690.

We cover all urban areas in the North of England. We have live Daylight & Sunlight projects in Manchester, Salford, Leeds, Newcastle, Liverpool and Bradford.

See links to our recent projects in Manchester at the Dakota Hotel and Eider House.

For details of our specialist Daylight & Sunlight surveyors near you see our LondonBirminghamBristolNorwichPlymouth office details.

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For advice on Daylight & Sunlight direct from one of our Manchester surveyors, please call our Daylight & Sunlight Enquiry Line on 0161 528 7690.

If you’d like us to call you, please fill in our Contact Us form and we will call you back.

Stephen Mealings

Stephen Mealings

BSc (Hons) MRICS

Senior Director

Rights to Light + PW


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