FRAEW Survey of External Walls
FRAEW Survey of External Walls to comply with British Standards (BSI) code of practice PAS9980 now required from the 31st January 2022
What is an FRAEW Survey?
The new guidance, called PAS9980, requires a five-step risk assessment process. PAS9980 provides a methodology to assist in the identification of risk factors influencing the overall risk rating of a building. It also identifies mitigation steps that might improve the rating.
PAS9980 was specifically developed for competent building professionals undertaking a Fire Risk Appraisal of External Walls (FRAEW) survey.
The publication of PAS9980 is expected to usher in the full commencement of the Fire Safety Act 2021. It will also see the amendment of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. The Fire Safety Order as it is commonly known will now apply to multi-storey, multi occupancy residential buildings.
The Fire Safety Order requires the ‘responsible person’ usually the building owner or manager to make an assessment of the fire risks of a building that complies with the guidance in PAS9980.
The assessment must be conducted by a qualified and competent professional. An example would be a Chartered Construction Professional as defined in the BSI code of practice. A single assessment is needed per building.
FRAEW Surveys - How we can help?
Our team of Chartered Construction Professionals have extensive experience in carrying out the fire risk appraisal of external walls of buildings.
Since its introduction we have successfully carried out numerous EWS1 surveys and certified thousands of flats. The methodology we use has been adapted to the requirements of a FRAEW Survey since PAS9980 was first issued as draft guidance.
All of our work includes a visit to the building by one of our qualified team for a visual assessment. We then undertake a five step assessment process.
We are also able to provide an in-depth technical appraisal using fire engineering analysis to further refine the assessment of the risk posed by external walls on existing buildings.
With offices in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, Norwich & Plymouth we are able to provide FRAEW Surveys all around the UK.
FRAEW Survey - What makes our service different?
We provide specialist assessment and mitigation advice on buildings that fail to meet the required safety standards.
This service includes the procurement of a specialist design team for the full remediation of the external façade if required. The advice we provide is backed by specific professional indemnity insurance to undertake this work.
To commission an FRAEW survey or Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) please call 020 4534 3130.
Explore our articles on fire safety, including the latest changes for upward extension permitted development.
Fire & Building Safety Services
FRAEW/PAS9980 Surveys
For further information on FRAEW Surveys, PAS9980 or EWS1 forms please get in touch. For further advice in respect of your obligations as a building owner, developer or manager, please contact :
Featured News
To commission a Fire Risk Appraisal of External Walls survey (FRAEW) or Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) please call 020 4534 3130.
For further information on FRAEW Surveys, PAS9980, EWS1 forms or advice in respect of your obligations as a building owner, developer or manager, please contact :
Tony Leishman
Senior Director
Fire Consultancy
Alexa Cotterell
Senior Director
Building Surveying
Sean Robinson
Associate Director, Head of Building Safety
Building Consultancy
Sarah Taylor
Business Support Manager
Building Surveying